Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break Broken

Spring break--the time of year when teachers get away from their students. I was really looking forward to spring break.

Sunday I drank a gallon of prep goo for my Monday colonoscopy (and yes, I was looking forward to it. You get drugged and unconscious. And after the preceeding week--I wanted that!). Brilliant sister-in-law went with me, bought me pho with oodles of noodles to eat afterward, and let me sleep it off.

Good news: doc removed 2 benign polyps and no uber-social-conservative politicians were seen (I did ask that he check, Oklahoma legislators being SO CONCERNED about women's health).
Please look at the chart to find the evolution of politicians.

I drove home Tuesday evening. And threw some laundry in and went to bed.
Wednesday I did the rest of the laundry, took mother out to lunch and did her shopping.

Thursday drove back to OKC to pick up the bag I had left. Drove home and took mother out to dinner.

Friday I finished laundry and started my guest blog for The Domestic Pagan's Spring Cleaning series. I also borrowed 2 cat carriers from the vet's and got all 4 of mother's cats vetted. And we stopped by Pick of the Day and went crazy buying plants.

Saturday I took mother to breakfast. Then, since I had the truck, we picked up the plants were bought the previous day--and then some. Spent the rest of the day trying to find organic potting soil, and containers. Got the mints, the tomatoes, basil  and herbs planted by the light of the crescent moon.

Today I dug out a new flowerbed and put in a lilac and a Harry Lauder Walkingstick, 3 hostas, and I am tired. It took over 4 hours, as I had to do it by hand. With a spading fork. And I still need to do the front curb bed.

Popcorn. Soda. Bed.


  1. What a busy lady!

    So glad things went well at the doctor's office. And at the vet with the kitties, too. And you got some planting done; lovely! I'm jealous, we still have no access to our terrace.

    I will have to come here and stare at your curb ;-)

    1. Delighted to have you any time. the half ton obsidian boulder in the foreground is a lovely place to sit. It needs a Caddo maple tree beside it...$300.00 I do not have (yet).

    2. Be careful what you ask for, I might just show up, maple tree an shovel in hand and requesting some dirt to plant lol

      P.S. The Sexy, Dark and Bloody Fiction party has began. There are two giveaways going on, one at Pagan Culture and the other at my writing site. Stop by and join the fun!
