Sunday, November 6, 2011

2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

All things descend into chaos. 

Think of it. Everything in the Universe degrades from an ordered state to a state of chaos without the input of additional energy. This is known as entropy.

Boy howdy, did I embrace the law this week.

I still have laundry to do from last weekend's trip to New Orleans.

I have managed to grade all the folders turned in by my high school students (486 points each) while I was gone, graded this week's work (188 points each), written 1 powerpoint for my college class, graded the 11 page test my colleges class took, had my teacher's evaluation observation done during a burn lab, learned that the high school will go from a four period block schedule to a 7 period day, read 2 books, and battled an intestinal virus. OSU beat Kansas, LSU beat Alabama, and OU beat TX A & M. (These are actually good things in sports).

And we had a 5.2 to 5.6 earthquake last night.

Today was my first to go to the walking trail since last Tuesday. I did my 2 miles with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Got home and spent 45 minutes in the bathroom.

I think the virus is winning.

I had a tarot reading done in New Orleans. I'm going through a healing process this month. Good to know, isn't it?

Oh, right. My Dad came by for a quick hug Friday morning about 4 a.m. I really miss him.


  1. Busy, busy, busy woman. Ouch on the virus bit.

    Glad you got a hug from your dad.

  2. Wow, you did a lot this week. Here's hoping you beat that virus quickly, at least you got your walk in before it hit! Yes I am often a pollyanna =D Take care.

  3. Dad crossed over three years ago. He was a career Navy fighter pilot, born 1918. Which explains the uniform he was wearing. Usually, I just get a whiff of his tobacco.
