Sunday, July 8, 2012

This, That, and Other Things

I have beautiful grandchildren.

This is a shot from my mom's 90th birthday.

Mother is doing really well.  She can maneuver that wheelchair like a pro. We went to OKC for her eye appointment, and brilliant SIL met us there and told me to go amuse myself; after the appt. she would take Mother to Dillards.

I went to Cao Nguyen supermarket, spent an hour at Sabi's with M. A., swung by Whole Foods, and got lost in Nichol's Hills. Met up with Mother and SIL at the house, where we discovered that the house is NOT wheelchair friendly. Picture SIL, Mother and Me in a chorus line to get her into the bathroom!

Went on an 8 mile run yesterday. Came up with a project idea. Went to Hobby Lobby (did need a frame for a watercolor I got in Ireland) and got some "crafty" things.  On my 10 mile run this morning, I kept stopping to pick up stuff for craft project:  pine cones, pine needles, oak galls, and spotted stuff to get later (sycamore seed balls).

I'm going to try and make a fairy house.  I have the roof done (mostly). I went out under the live oak and started picking up acorn caps to use as cobbles (maybe).  I'll post a picture when it is done. Just bear in mind that I am the most staggeringly NONartistic person on the face of the planet.

Since it is tomato season, here is a recipe from Edith Metcalfe de Plata:

"Flores" de Jitomates Rellanos  (Stuffed Tomato "Flowers")

serves 4 to 6

6 medium or 4 large tomatoes
6 lettuce leaves
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup each grated zucchini, chopped almonds, grated carrots, sliced cucumber, raisins, chopped Ortega chili, celery, diced onion
1/2 tsp each of sea salt, aniseed, dill seed, parsley, thyme, mace, and chili powder
1 small jar sliced pimento

1. Wash and cut out the centers of the tomatoes. Slice downward--almost to the bottom--so that the tomatoes will open yet remain held together at the bottom. Make 4 to 6 cuts and lay the tomatoes on a bed of lettuce leaves.

2. Make a filling with the remaining ingredients (except pimento) and use it to stuff the tomatoes.

3. Garnish with pimento strips and refrigerate until time to serve.

1 comment:

  1. Now, I have this glorious picture of your mom, in NASCAR gear, maneuvering her wheelchair like a pro while her great-grandchildren cheer ;-)
