Friday, February 10, 2012

Tagged, I'm It. Now What?

I've been tagged. Whatever that means. I'm not really sure how to respond to this.
Apparently, I'm supposed to come up with 11 random thoughts about myself. 11? Why 11? And then answer questions that I don't know how to find. I'm a freakin' dinosaur, fer cryin' out loud.


1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you have tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you legitimately have to tag 11 people!

Now here’s the questions for my tagged friends:
1. What is one hairstyle you’ve always wanted to try but have stopped yourself for one reason or another, be it a different hair color, extensions, whatever?
2. What is your ideal pet, whether real, or mythical?
3. What is your favorite kind of foreign food?
4. What is your favorite herb?
5. Have you ever played a musical instrument of any kind (and that includes playing jugs, spoons, chimes, etc.)?
6. Do you have a book of shadows, and if so, what is it, such as spiral bound notebook, 3-ring binder, leather bound, etc.?
7. What is your favorite spell, if any?
8. The most positive memorable moment of your life, thus far?
9. What is your favorite movie of all time?
10. Do you have a favorite Pagan/Wiccan/Witchy book? If so, what is it?
11. Do you have, or have you ever made, a witches’ bottle?

I bactracked and found the rules. And some questions.

1. I love the silence of the night and revel in the starry light.
2. I do not accept the concept of duality in nature.
3. I have to bite my tongue when ill-informed people talk about equal and opposite reactions applied to energy manipulation in the craft. Newton's 3rd Law of Motion has absolutely nothing to do with energy.I teach Newtonian physics, too.
4. It's strange how much we love our companion animals.
5. I make my own toothpaste.
6. I like to till the garden in my bare feet.
7. I use a dip pen and inkwell when I write in crafting.
8. I am staggerly non-artistic (I'm talking stick trees, stick people, and stick amoeba here).
9. I have seen the face of the Earth.
10. Tea. 6 days a week.Coffee on Saturday only.
11. Sometimes, I just know. It drives my son nuts. Poor man is doomed. He's expecting a daughter in a month or so. Guess what gift he passed on, and the first 2 don't count.

Magaly said to answer questions 3 aand 9.. OK.

Favorite foreign food. Asian, I suppose. I spent my early childhood in Japan. I adore a good pho. And I use chopsticks. Asian food tastes funny on a fork.
Favorite movie of all time. I truly don't have one. I don't watch that many movies. I don't know the current actors/actresses. It just isn't that important to me.

So what do I do now? I don't follow that many blogs. Those I do follow have already been tagged.I'm not even sure where to send this, so I'll post and someone will help the antique through it all.

1 comment:

  1. I love and agree with your number 3. Magic is just too wild to adhere to the laws of physics. A scientific Witch, I like that ;-)
