Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let's Get Physical!

Birthdays and the annual physical go hand in hand for me. Birthday. Next morning, every conceivable bloodtest ever devised is administered, and the following week is the follow-up with the doc.

Yesterday was the follow up.

Blood pressure: 106/70
Pulse: yes I have one, it's 70. (Sometimes I wonder).
Temp: 98.1
Fasting blood sugar: 99
Everything else was well within the norms. So I'm healthy, right?

Doc: You're post menopausal.
Me: Yep. But I'm no longer a Ph.B.
D: Ph.B?
M: post menopausal hell bitch, thanks to the CPAP.
D: you've had a complete hystorectomy--who did that?
M: Royce Everett. He said he never wants to operate on me again.
D: I know Royce. When was your last mammogram?
M: never had one.
D: with your history? Mother and maternal grandmother? Why not?
M: when was the last time you voluntarily put your testicles into a vise?
D: (pause) My wife doesn't like them, either. It really needs to be done.
M: (longer pause) OK.
D: what about a colonoscopy?
M: (baleful stare and silence) I won't go to the hospital here. The billing sucks. You have to pay up front, then if any other charges get tacked on, the bill goes to a collection agency before they send a bill to you.
D: I have a friend at I--- in OKC. I'd go to him.
M: have him call me.

I hate physicals. I stopped by the deli on the way home and got a slice of carrot cake.


  1. I tried not to, but this had me in tears... laughing. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall.

    And, you've been tagged, m'luv:

